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Английский язык

ребята, посчитайте,молю. . обьязательно c because,ибо 2 ставятдам макисмальное колличество поинтов,Как узнать сколько у меня есть. надеюсь на ваше неравнодушие,т. к. я тугодум в английском)))​

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School should:

1) teach subjects important for life, because school is the first place that gives the child all basic knowledge.

2) teach different foreign languages, because learning foreign languages has a positive effect on the general ability to think and erudition, the child interacts with a foreign culture, discovers new traditions and customs.

3) give free education, because not all parents have money for their child's education, if all schools become paid, then the number of pupils will sharply decrease.

4) have good teachers with new ideas, because times are changing, and therefore new ideas and teaching methods are needed, which will allow pupils to attend school with pleasure.

5) have a good gym for sports, because sports are an integral part of our life, and sometimes not all schools have playgrounds and gyms, which makes it difficult to exercise.

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