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Английский язык

Exe. 3. Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous: 1. My dog's not dangerous. He 2. Why (not bite) you sunglasses? It, (wear, rain) 3. You can turn off the radio. I to it. (not listen) to go to the bank. I 5. Be careful The baby that pen in her mouth (put) 4. 1 any money. (need, not have) 6. - you usually at weekends? (cook) - No, we normally out. (eat) 7. – What 8. I usually drink tea, but I 9. My sister you here? (do) - 1 for Emma. She's late. (wait) coffee today. (drink) from 9. 00 to 5. 00. She's a secretary. (work) 10. We in Paris, but we in Nice at the moment. (live, stay)​

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