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Английский язык

Complete the sentences with the superlative form of one of the adjectives in brackets. Use the most, the least or the -est. David never says 'please'. He's the least polite person I know. (optimistic/ polite / honest) 1 Ben and Ed always think that we're going to lose. They're. in the team. (selfish/optimistic / kind)

ответы: 1
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1 Ben and Ed always think that we're going to lose. They're the least optimistic in the team.

2. My bedroom is the tidiest room in the house .

3. That movie was really slow and boring. It was the least interesting film that I've seen all year.

4. James got 98%in his French exam. He's the best student at languages in our class.

5. Cara never does jobs around the house. She's the least helpful person in our family.

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Другие вопросы: - Английский язык

F. дополните каждое второе предл

3 Write the comparative or super

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