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СДЕЛАЙТЕ КРАТКИЙ ПЕРЕСКАЗ ТЕКСТА НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ (БУКВАЛЬНО 6 ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЙ)Tatiana's day Every year on 25th January, students, teachers and professors celebrate Tatiana's Day. This holiday celebrates Saint Tatiana, the patron saint of students. Schools and universities ail over Russia celebrate it with various events. In many schools former students come to talk to the school children about their university studies. The best students receive awards and in some cities, such as Nizhniy Novgorod, citizens choose the best Tatiana from all the students of the city. Some communities have begun using the day to put on plays and performances for families and neighbours in their area. In the evening, people dance in the street or let off fireworks. Russians believe the patron saint was named after Count Ivan Shuvalov's mother. Tatiana. On 25th January, 1755, Count Ivan and Empress Elizabeth the Great agreed to build the first Russian university in Moscow. Tatiana's name day also happened to be 25th January, so because of this, the tradition began. For over 200 years this celebration has taken place around Russia. ​

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Every year on January 25, students, teachers and professors celebrate Tatiana's Day. This holiday celebrates Saint Tatiana, the patroness of students. Schools and universities across Russia celebrate it with various events. In many schools, former students come to talk to students about their studies at the university. The best students receive awards, and in some cities, such as Nizhny Novgorod, citizens choose the best Tatiana from all the students of the city

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