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Английский язык
Pini Antonia

посчитайте поставить эти слова в след. предложениях1. essential: 2. confident: 3. functional illiteracy: 4. embarrass: 5. to vote: 6. skilled: 7. software: 8. aloud: 9. unreliable: 12. campaign: 13. immature: 14. unintelligent: 3. There was an advertising …. . for a new product. 4. He had a dull job with lazy and …. . co-workers. 5. They made their parents sad by their silly, ……. . behavior. 6. Everyone was …. . that the venture would be profitable. 7. He appeared to be an …… witness. 8. Writing was a ……profession at that time.

ответы: 1
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3. There was an advertising campaign for a new product.

4. He had a dull job with lazy and unintelligent co-workers.

5. They made their parents sad by their silly, immature behavior.

6. Everyone was confident that the venture would be profitable.

7. He appeared to be an unreliable witness.

8. Writing was an essential profession at that time.

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