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Big Piney Creek

141. Choose the correct variant(s). He sends postcards from . . . place he visits. 1. both 2. all 3. every 4. many 5. each 6. most How many variants can be possible? Mansura and Aytaj's cousin can't go to the city centre . . . . 1. themselves 2. himself 3. ourselves 4. herself 5. yourselves 143. How many variants can be possible? I have never heard . . . talking so loudly. 1. she 2. them 3. you 4. they 5. hers​

ответы: 1
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1- much, 2- more, 3-much, 4 better, 5- smartest, 6- fatter, 7- bigger, 8 faster, 9- better, 10- bigger, 11- stronger,

12- cleverer

вроде правильно

Sharon Griffin
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