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Words easily confused Use the correct form of the words given to complete the sentences below. You may use some of the words more than once. In some cases more than one word may be correct. TIIRE LEND LUT RENT BORROW The friends a car to tour around the island. 2 Can you a few quits? I promise I will pay you back as soon as we come back home. some of the rooms to holidaymakers. We want to 4 Het 5 They had to money from the bank to buy their new apartment. Her parents a tutor to teacher her singing. To get away from it all we a small cottage in the countryside 6 PANY SPEND WASTE SELVE AFFORD 1 We have a lot of money on useless things. We most of my income and we didn't our monthly instalments and the car was any money for a rainy day. That's why we couldn't confiscated. 2 You definitely too much time on your phone and don't enough attention to your duties You can to time weeks before the exams​

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