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Английский язык
Vincent Christian

2. 33 ** Complete the text. Use the correctform of the phrases from Exercise 1. My granddad was telling me about hisschool the other day. It was very strict, and ifthey didn't wear a uniform they had to gohome and change their clothes. Students gotfor things like not sittingproperly in class. He said he often had tousually 'I must not talkin class'. There were physical punishments,too, if you didn't arrive 4forschool, orin an exam. Evenif a teacher heard youyou had to go and see the principal. He alsosaid there was a lot of 7but no-one told the teachers. What aboutrewards? I asked. He said the students whoalways handed inthe nextday and got9in their examssometimes got a boring book at the end ofthe year. His school was very different fromours 518

ответы: 1
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2. detention

3. lincd

4. on time

5. chest

6. scremorshact (может слитно, может раздельно не очень поняла ,но правильно)

7. bullying

8. home work

9. good marks

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