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Write the questions to the sentences using the question words in brackets. 1) Fred is reading a magazine in his room. (What? Where?) 2) Sally and Jessica are going to the market. (Who? Where?) 3) I am watching an interesting film. (What kind of film?) 4) We are singing karaoke in the park. (Who? What to do?) 5) She is speaking to the waiter now. (Whom?) 6) The child is drinking juice now. (Who? What?) 7) You are typing very quickly now. (Who? How?) 8) My classmates are playing basketball in the gym. (Where?)

ответы: 1
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1. What is Fred reading in his room?

Where is Fred reading a magazine?

2. Who is going to the market?

Where are they going?

3. What kind of film am I watching?

4. Who is singing karaoke in the park?

What are we doing in the park?

5. Whom is she speaking to?

6. Who is drinking juice now?

What is the child drinking now?

7. Who is typing very quickly now?

How are you typing now?

8. Where are my classmates playing basketball?

Maslov Yakov
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