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, , ДАЮ 50 поинтов. Passive voice 316. They spoke much about the problem. 317. Have you sent for the flowers? 318. He will give me the answer next week. 319. She is still typing the letters. 320. All the pupils laughed at him. 321. What measures will they take? 323. What can they do about it? 324. We must say nothing about it at present. 325. Have you given the children their milk?​

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316) The problem was spoken much.

317) Have the flowers been sent for?

318) The answer will be given next week.

319) The letters are still being typed.

320) He was laughed by all the pupils.

321) What measures will be taken by them?

323) What could be done with it?

324) Nothing must be said about it at present.

325) Have the children been given their milk?

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