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30 поинтовПерепишите текст ниже с настоящего времени в совершенное прошедшее время. Игнорируйте тот факт, что переписывание может изменить смысл и лингвистический контекст текста. To demonstrate how this technology works, Rao and his team of students use a BCI that allows them to study nonverbal communication. First, the student is fitted with an electroencephalogram or EEG cap, which is a series of electrodes placed on the scalp to record brain signals.

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To demonstrate how this technology had worked, Rao and his team of students had used a BCI that had allowed them to study nonverbal communication. First, the student had been fitted with an electroencephalogram or EEG cap, which had been a series of electrodes placed on the scalp to record brain signals.

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