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Английский язык

A negative form19 A professor was lecturing his class one day. He wanted to focus on negation one __________ time. MUCH20 “The ____________ example is English”, he said, “In English a double negative forms a positive. In some languages, though, such as Russian, a double negative is still a negative. ONE21 However, there ____________ a language wherein a double positive can form a negative. ”A loud voice from the back piped up, 'Yeah, right. ' NOT BEA boot on the wrong foot22 Willy asked his teacher to help him get his shoes on at the end of a busy day. After quite a struggle, Tessa finally got them on. “They're on the wrong ____________, Miss,” mumbled Willy. Staying calm she swapped them over for him. FOOT23 “They're not my shoes, Miss,” Willy murmurs again. Tessa ____________ hard to keep her cool and asked Willy why he hadn't told her before. FIGHT24 She then kneeled down again and helped him pull the shoes off. “These aren't my shoes, they're my brother's and Mum told ______________ not to tell anyone. ” I25 Tessa helped him back into his shoes, got him into his coat, wrapped his scarf round his neck. When he ____________, she asked, “Where are your gloves, Willy?” “Oh, Miss, I always put them in my shoes ” DRESS26 The first form of cryptography was actually the simple writing of a message. Do you know why? Because most people were ____________ to read or write. ABLE27 In fact, the very word cryptography comes from the Greek words 'kryptos', which mean 'hidden', and 'graphein', which means 'writing'. Cryptography, by its very nature, implies secrecy and ____________. DIRECTNESS28 Early cryptography included transforming messages into unreadable figures to protect the content of a message while it was carried from one ____________ to another. ADDRESS29 Nowadays, cryptography has evolved ____________ and today it includes such things as digital signatures, authentification of a sender or receiver and many more. GREAT30 People wanted to conceal messages since they moved out of caves and started living in groups. The earliest forms of cryptography were found in the cradle of ____________, Egypt, Greece and Rome. CIVILIZE31 The Greeks, for example, wrapped a tape around a stick, and then wrote the message on the wound tape. Unwinding the tape made the writing ____________. The receiver of the message had a stick of the same diameter and used it to decipher the message. MEANING

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19. More
20. First
21. Is
22. Feet
23. Fought
24. Me
25. Was dressed
26. Not able/unable
27. Directness
28. Addressee/receiver
29. Greatly/a lot
30. Civilisation
31. Meaningful
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