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Английский язык

Read the text and decide if each sentence is T (true) or F (false). Give reasons. 1 Liberty Island is also known as the'Island of Tears2 Immigrants make up 40 percent of the people living in the United States. 3 If immigrants to America were rich, they didn't have to go to Ellis Island. 4 The poorer immigrants could not take their things into the Great Hall. 5 The people who had chalk marks on their clothing were found to be healthy. 6 After 1917, doctors performed the 'sixsecond medical exam' on everyone. 7 The legal officer decided whetherimmigrants were who they said theywere. 8 Immigrants never had to stay on EllisIsland for more than five hours. 9 If immigrants needed to get to anothercity, they could take a train. 10 Many immigrants met with their relativesat 'the kissing post' at Ellis Island. посчитайте ​

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: 1 False

2 false

3 true

4 true

5 false

6 false

7 true

8 false

9 true

10 true

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