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Английский язык

Choose the right Idenfinite pronous-Hi. Do you have (some/any) puppies? - Sure, we have (some/any). -I would like to buy a small puppy. - (Most/Much) of our dogs are under three months. - But not (all/several) of them? - No, (some/little) are older. - May I look at the cutest puppy? - OK, this (one/none) has funny face and kind eyes. - It's really nice. Can I see (either/others)? My daughter likes black dogs. - We have Stacy and Bobby here. They are (both/each) black. -Wow, seems like Bobby liked me. - That's right - I would take it. - Good choice (Anything/Something) else?- No, thank you, one dog is (another/enough), ha-ha. - OK, have a nice day ​

ответы: 1
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1. Any

2. Some

3. Most

4. All

5. Some

6. One

7. Others

8. Both

9. Anything

10. Enough

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