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Прочитай приведённый ниже текст. Образуй от слов, напечатанныхв скобках, однокоренные слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексическисоответствовали содержанию текста. Заполни пропуски полученнымисловами. 1. The problem of distancingbetween generations is a major issuefor many grandparents. (FORTUNATE), the chance ofchildren and grandparents to haveintimate and mutually satisfyingrelationships is second to none. 2. Recent research shows that one of the main reasons for (KEEP)families apart ismere geography when grandparentslive far from their children. 3. The (OLD) usuallyencounter some health problemswhich stop them from making a longflight while their children don't havethe time or money to visit them. 4. Many grandparents feeldifferently about this problem. Someare full of resentment and (BITTER)as they feel thepressure of time and inability to seetheir grandchildren and give them alltheir love. 5. As for the others, being(ABLE) to see their kith andkin in the flesh, they try to use newtechnologies. 6. They communicate through theInternet via smartphones with (INSTALL)messengers.

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